30+ Merry Christmas Meme 2023 – Funny Pictures, Photos For Facebook & Pinterest

30+ Merry Christmas Meme 2023 – With Halloween gone by, most of us are eagerly waiting for the arrival of Christmas, the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ on the 25th of December. Jesus was born somewhere between 2BC to 7BC but it wasn’t until 336AD that his birthday was celebrated on 25th December. Merry Christmas 2023 Meme, Funny Christmas 2023 Pictures, and Photos are very much used by people on Christmas Day to share with friends and family members. It was during the time of the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine that his birthday was celebrated on this date. A few years later, 25th December was officially declared as the birthday of Jesus Christ by Pope Julius I. This date is surrounded by various theories and one certain early Christian tradition states that Mother Mary announced the birth of a very special child on the 25th of March, which falls exactly 9 months before the 25th of December.

Merry Christmas Meme

Merry Christmas Meme

Merry Christmas Meme

Many Christians still celebrate the 25th of March as Annunciation Day while some believe that the world was created on this day and this is when Jesus died as an adult. There is yet another reason why December 25th could be the chosen date. The Winter solstice and ancient midwinter festivals called ‘Saturnalia’ and “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti’ fall around this time of the year automatically leading to celebrations. The Romans celebrate this day as the ‘Birthday of the unconquered Sun’ and worship and celebrate this day as the birthday of the Pagan sun god ‘Mithra’. Christians gave a whole new meaning to this. According to them, Jesus was a Jewish savior (the bible prophesy) and Christians celebrated him as the ‘Sun of Righteousness’ and hence celebrated this day as his birthday.

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Funny Christmas Meme, Pictures, Photos 2023

Funny Merry Christmas Pictures, Meme 2023 – The early Church celebrated its birthday on the 6th of January, just when they celebrated Epiphany (a revelation that Jesus was god’s son) and the Baptism of Jesus. Originally, Baptism was considered more important than his birthday but very soon people wanted a day to celebrate his birthday. But due to a shift from the Roman Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, 10 days were lost and people around the world celebrate these two days differently many still call it ‘Old Christmas’ because the 6th of January is when the birthday would have been celebrated, had the replacement not taken place.

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The word ‘Christmas’ comes from the Mass of Christ which was a mass service to remind Christians that Jesus died and came back to life for them. This was the only service that occurred after sunset and before the next day’s sunrise. And this is how we got the name ‘Christmas’ from ‘Christ-Mass’. Christianity was introduced in the UK by St. Augustine in the 6th century. He came from countries that were still using the Roman calendar and hence western countries still celebrate the 25th of December as Christmas. These Western European countries then established the 25th of December as the official birthday of Christ. Share Merry Christmas Meme 2023, Funny Pictures, and Photos on WhatsApp, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit, and other social sites like Facebook.

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